Michael Harting
Michael Harting

Smart syringes are designed to prevent the syringe from being used more than once and to protect the person administering the injection. The use of same needle or syringe to… Read more

The vaccine contract manufacturing industry is among the critical ones, where the initial manufacturing steps are the most difficult to be performed in an effective and safe manner. Owing to… Read more

The rising demand for anti-aging products all over the world is the major reason behind the growth in the global anti-aging products and therapies market. Companies are also developing anti-aging… Read more

Healthcare Information Exchange (HIE) is a type of health record system that is generally utilized by healthcare experts to allow the stability of care. The technology helps in the exchange… Read more

Veterinary surgeons use various surgical instruments to operate animals. Some of them are trocars & cannulas, surgical scissors, retractors & hooks, scalpels, etc. Factors like the increasing number of companion… Read more